December 6, 2008

With December upon us I think it’s a perfect time to discuss the origin of Christmas. Many of us have heard the story of Santa clause and Jesus. First thing I want to discuss is the lie of Christmas, and why we teach our kids to believe in someone that does not exist. Is it hard as a society to want human spirit and our giving nature only to shine during the holiday season, would it be worse if our kids thought we were the gift bearers? Truthfully I think not. The belief that bribing our kids to be good all year so Santa Claus will shower them in gifts is a tragic social flaw. Powered by commercialism, and the drive of the almighty dollar. We are all at fault for creating and immortalising an idealistic view of the holidays. Religion has many views on this and they all seem to discount each other fully. A short Google search on religions will show you that many of the gods and prophets actually have the same or similar story of our Jesus. Is it right to teach our kids that some lies are good? And that one man is our saviour? Hell no!!! We need to smarten up and start realizing we are the only ones who can change this. I believe Christmas and religion has been placed in society as a conditioning tool. To teach us that lies are sometimes warranted and there to better us. Imagine telling our kids that we celebrate the winter equinox by exchanging gifts to one another. Primarily for the reason to give thanks for the bountiful gifts the earth has given us. Would that be so wrong? What about installing proper virtues and morals without religion? Would this be so wrong to do as well? To the above I say no, in fact I believe if we as humans are more honest from the start more would be honest in their full life. On a political note; consider George Bush was the parent and lying to us about terrorism was Santa Claus, we are conditioned to be let down and move on without questioning it as anything more than just another lie. See how this pattern of not telling the truth can materialize in our day to day lives. Now on a religious note; we all want to believe there is something more to life, and that we are meant for something greater.  Perhaps that we will go somewhere after this life if we are law abiding citizens. Well I am quite sure one of the Ten Commandments is “thou shall not lie” then have we not all broken this commandment and there for already down the wrong path? Let’s try imagining a new set of holidays in which we are honest and morally correct. And why not just have the spirit of “Christmas” all year and be the best we can be every day? Happy holidays to all and a merry winter solstice as well, only three months to go till spring. Yay!


TRUTH..... Come and get it

November 15, 2008

Ok, let’s talk truth. Let’s just think for a second we are all super wealthy people. Imagine you are part of the elite, the families which control 99% of the world’s economy. You are then sent to the best schools with the best education and most of all a network of similar and noted elite. The ones that control the world are these people. I will be the first to admit I want smart educated people heading my country. But the cost to get any average person enrolled in an Ivy League school is too much to bear. So in return we get a limited amount of people with the background to achieve the status necessary to run or head a country. Let us look at the former president Bush, it is widely thought that he knew of the 9/11 incident before it happening. I on the other hand don’t believe he was solely to blame for this; I think he is or was a small pawn in a great game. They are an elite group of individuals which have the same goal. There may be some big pieces on this game board, but all motivated to achieve one common interest. Survival of the fittest so to speak. Like a bad plague they have leeched and infected us beyond recognition. Without much knowledge we have funded these fear mongers so long they have the impression that our civil liberties and rights are no longer needed. Well I am here to stand up and scream the truth. I am sick of it; all I ask is that more people open their eyes to the corruption. Manipulated by a handful of humans. How can we all think for a moment that the very minority of a race is more apt to the needs it controls? We allow these people to over tax us, allow us to work for revenue it creates and manufactures for us to use. With no actual value. Any life savings you may have are void if our monetary system fails. It’s not hard to see where economic stability is at the moment. Prices are rising on virtually all goods yet the number of workers is constantly decreasing. Everything I have mentioned is due to the economy in which the world powerhouses have incorporated us to live in. it is all a fabrication, a blanket of lies to shelter us from the realization we are considered sheep. The bilderberg group meets every year to determine our economic status. It is hard to say that every one of the elite realize they are part of the bigger picture. Many I imagine just believe they are fortunate to work in their fields of employment. But these are not the people to feel threatened of, oh no! It’s the bigger players in this game the 100 + bilderberg members that seclude themselves from main stream media to deliver judgement on the worker bees of society. To delegate what we will buy and sell and at which rate. And which country will grow or diminish. Who will succeed or fail and where the finger will be pointed. If you believe we are at war due to terrorist you are right, but it is time to stand up and point to whom. Accordingly to George W. Bush’ quote “if you are not with us, you are with the terrorist” well I have a reply to that. “If you are not against the tyranny and fear mongering of the world powers, then you are either misinformed or with them” I hope for your sake it’s not the latter as all those involved will see justice in their time. Please wake up and help the movement to empower the people of earth on the truth about whom and what is factual. Thank you for your support and I appreciate the time you take to read this.




November 9, 2008

Have you ever looked up to the sky and wondered if we are the only planet that sustains life. Well so have I, that’s why I am asking this question in today’s blog. Where do you stand on planet X? Is the technology seen today, e.g.  Television, automobiles and spacecraft for instance a result of spacecraft that has been recovered? Are we an alien race that occupied earth thousands of years ago? Was Noah’s arc really a DNA database taken to this planet? Carrying two strains of each creature small and big? Today I am going to let you all answer first; I will follow this up with my beliefs shortly. Thank you for reading and enjoy.





October 27, 2008

Why do people tend to express opinions or views when not educated? I have noticed a lot of folks just say whatever comes out there mouth, noting it has no significant value. Here is an example. “I know that bin laden knocked down the towers, I was in New York when the planes hit them.” This is a partially correct statement. Yes planes did hit both towers, and can be easily distinguished as truth. Now if we can for a second try to imagine that we don’t know who did it, and the real culprits are actually running free without consequence. Then an educated statement may sound like this. “I was in new York when the planes hit the towers, although there is no evidence linking the culprit to the crime.” Our views and opinions are largely generated from the lifestyles we live and the media coverage we watch, read or listen too. We as people have a better understanding of things and still tend to believe media hype. With no evidence linking bin laden, how do we know for sure. F.B.I. records show there is no evidence and have even excluded 9/11 from his wanted profile. So I have always had an understanding that one is presumed innocent until proven guilty, with this knowledge I presume bin laden is innocent as there is no proof otherwise telling me so. That does not mean it is fact, although I can presume this. Let’s do this. A kid steals a candy bar from the store, there is video surveillance and he is still entitled to a trial and is given the right to plead his case. In the recent events of 9/11 there have been some people caught doing things that are considered aiding. Like filming the towers fall and later admitting it was their job to do so. This is documented and when released and allowed to return home they commented on TV of that being their job. Yet we have spent 7 years battling terrorism in countries that have little or no ties to bin laden. My first statement was why people tend to express views that are not of their own accord. Well easiest answer would be that someone has convinced us that there are other reasons. Such as media coverage of bin laden expressing his enjoyment of 9/11. In no way does that make him guilty. It does give us an insight to the type of horror he like to see. But does not make him guilty. And this is what we have to question, not whether the towers were struck that awful day in September. And not if it was a terrorist act, but by which terrorist foreign or domestic it was done by. So when people start talking it would be nice to hear an educated statement and not just banter. There are facts and there are guesses let’s just be informed of the issues we are going to talk about. Thanks again for reading…..


what's your Religious view..?

October 20, 2008

Welcome again folks, today’s blogs are going to be a little controversial. I have a few questions to ask everyone who is reading. But, let me start by saying everything here is to strike up a little awareness of the subject. Do you believe in the god? Please explain by giving an explanation of your answer. Next, which god do you believe in? And finally, do you participate whether by going to church or a mosque, or do you just practice from home? I want to tell you what I believe in to give an example of my faith. I do believe in a higher power or powers. I do think we were created from something more than a mere accident, although I believe mans religion is conjured up to help us (through fear) to live a moral life. Its attempts are somewhat misleading and the proof is not concrete. So I have no reason not to be sceptical but I am quite sure there is someone somewhere looking at their creation saying, wow these guys got it so wrong. I want to see people live moral and safe lives. I am not an atheist and I have read most of the books of the big religions. A lot of Christians don’t know that Muslims believe Jesus was a profit and that they even have a separate burial prepared for him. Muslims also believe that Jesus will be the one to destroy the antichrist. With all the fighting nowadays it’s hard to see the truth of a people’s faith but if you look closely enough it is all the same carrots, just boiled in different pots.  Thank you in advance for any feedback and reading my blog. I am hoping for some comments and perhaps an open debate further this week on my shout box or chat page. I will post a time on my homepage.


Are police control freaks...?

October 18, 2008

What are we heading for? After listening to the Alex Jones show on Thursday it didn’t take me long to realize, we really are living in a police state. I always regarded the government as the guys at the main desk. Making the rules and passing them down for others to enforce. Then it dawned on me. Police and other agencies are full of control freaks, and I decided to take a trip down memory lane. I am a skateboarder.  Always have been, always will be and I never got hassled so much as by the cops telling me I could not ride my 4 wheel board up and down the road. The worst part is I believed them, thinking to myself about the fines and confiscation of property the property being my skateboard. WHO GAVE THEM THE RIGHT!!!!! I will agree there is a lot of destruction to public property. Let me explain this in another way. Bicycles are legal, and considered a form of transportation. Who made the rule no skateboards allowed. It’s like legalizing alcohol and not “pot” I can imagine a lot less deaths per year happen because someone is high. Yet our government allows alcohol to be sold in stores for the public. Why? Because the revenue produced by alcohol could never be achieved with pot. To many could grow their own and it would make gaps in the market. That’s what I get from it anyways, goes back to control I guess. Why cops are so rude to the public, I admit there is the odd nice guy or gal you run in to, but for the most part they are brainwashed to be the enforcers. Now to me that is the opposite of their job, which is to protect and serve! My question today is have you ever had a run in with the law that was manipulated by the enforcers?  and could you share it with me?


Are WE Alone...?

October 15, 2008
Have you ever wondered who is watching you. Wonder no more as I tell you we are living in an era that gives its people no privacy. It's easy to fathum cameras in banks. We all have a lot to lose when a bank gets robbed, and what about a department store where you are casually shopping, Sounds great to have them there for shoplifters, but wait thats not what is going on! You see they now have facial profiling computers sitting behind the scenes, and computers that read body language to determine if your going to steal. ????? The cameras at the pumps are reading licence plates and the cameras in the banks are more than likely profiling their customers. So how do we know if we are alone. Well that's easy. We aren't alone ever. "BIG BROTHER". A story written by George Orwell whether it be fantasy or the brilliant work of a man ahead by a century, the point is clear. we are cattle or live stock being watched by our handlers to ensure we become obedient subhuman, almost machine like drones that are clueless to the fact we are being held hostage with a blanket of commercial products and hypnotic suggestions. The majority needs to wake up and take the time to read the fine print. It is deep in the hollows of your government that change needs to arise. like the pheonix we need to come up out of the ashes and sore to greater heights, not be taken back to the middle ages. A time when royalty ruled and the people worked to support their causes. we have grown as a race and we need to establish a proper working faculty to ensure the people of earth that we are safe and secure. and not from false enemies that are portrayed in the news but safe from the old tyrany that still plagues us to this day. So to sum up this mornings blog, keep in mind if ya dodge down an empty isle in the grocery store to pick a wedgie or maybe you need to fix your make up in the bathroom it is all on video and someone or something is profiling you. stay safe. stay smart. stay informed and most of all visit my blog and comment. tell the world what your view is and if you agree with "big brother" or do you side with the alex jones' of the world that believe we should have the right to privacy. To be continued....

politics, religion and the herd

October 15, 2008
this is an introduction to my blog. first off thank you for visiting and i hope to hear your feed back on my issues.

I am the terror that flaps in the night... no wait thats darkwing duck.....

class clown.... on sundays, question asker, truth seeker, dumb-whitted genius, what else can i say i am imperfectly perfect :)
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